The Provincial Voters List contains the names and residential addresses of every registered voter in British Columbia.
Elections BC updates names and addresses on the voters list using information from voters, the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia (ICBC), Elections Canada and local election officials. This means that if you have changed your name or address on your driver’s licence, BCID or BC Services card, the change should be automatically made on the Provincial Voters List.
Elections Canada receives updates to their voters list using information from the Canada Revenue Agency and from Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada. If you give permission for Elections Canada to receive your information when you file a tax return or become a Canadian citizen, Elections BC should also receive this information.
The names of voters who have died are removed from the list based on information provided by the B.C. Vital Statistics Agency.
There can be delays in the transfer of information between other public bodies and Elections BC. The best way to ensure your provincial voter registration information is up-to-date is by updating your information through our Online Voter Registration system or by calling us at 1-800-661-8683.
The Provincial Voters List is used for several purposes. Elections BC uses the list to administer provincial elections, referenda, recalls and initiative petitions. During an election, a complete and accurate list speeds up the voting process, and helps us make sure that only eligible voters vote and that they only vote once.
Political parties, candidates and Members of the Legislative Assembly (MLAs) use the voters list to communicate with voters. The Ministry of Attorney General uses the voters list to produce jury selection lists, and local governments and federal election administrators use the voters list to administer their electoral events.
Elections BC places the highest priority on keeping personal information on the voters list secure and confidential. Section 275 of the Election Act defines how the voters list may be used. An individual or organization who contravenes this section commits an offence and is liable to a fine of up to $20,000, imprisonment for up to two years, or both.
If you believe that having your personal information included on lists distributed to voting places, political parties and candidates will put your privacy or security at risk, you can apply to have your name and address omitted from these lists. If your voter record is protected, we will advise you in writing of how you can vote without disclosing your residential address. For detailed information on how to apply, please call Elections BC Voter Services at 1-800-661-8683 or write to:
Director, Voter Services
Elections BC
PO Box 9275 Stn Prov Govt
Victoria, BC V8W 9J6
If you would like to remove your name from the Provincial Voters list, send the Application to Remove a Registered Voter from the Provincial Voters List (PDF) form to:
Voter Services
Elections BC
PO Box 9275 Stn Prov Govt
Victoria, BC V8W 9J6
For more information on removing a voter, call 1-800-661-8683 or email Voter Services.