Local Chief Election Officers

This page provides information for Local Chief Election Officers about what they need to send Elections BC during local elections and non-election assent votes.

Accessing the Provincial Voters List

Under section 76 of the Local Government Act, local governments may use the Provincial Voters List as their register of resident electors. Local governments may request access to the Provincial Voters List by contacting Elections BC. Visit the Voters Lists for Local Governments page for more information.

What to send to Elections BC

If your jurisdiction is having an election (by-election, non-election assent vote or general local election), you must send Elections BC your contact information, candidate nomination documents, and election declarations and results.

Contact information

Please provide your current contact information and the contact information of any Deputy Local Chief Election Officers to our Local Elections Campaign Financing team.

Phone: 1-800-661-8683

Email: electoral.finance@elections.bc.ca

Nomination documents

During the nomination period for an election, Local Chief Election Officers must send Elections BC the following forms:

For Candidates

  • Nomination Documents (C2/CS2) (Only page 3 of 3)
  • Other Information Provided by Candidate (C3/CS3)
  • Appointment of Candidate Financial Agent (C4/CS4) (If the candidate is acting as their own financial agent, we do not require this form.)

    These forms are available from the jurisdiction or ministry responsible.

    Once we receive these forms, we will contact each candidate to inform them of the campaign financing and election advertising rules. We’ll also publish candidate and elector organization information on our website after the close of nominations.

    Elector organizations must be registered with Elections BC in your jurisdiction in order to endorse a candidate. Local Chief Election Officers will be provided with the list of registered elector organizations in their jurisdiction before the end of the nomination period.

    Please note that the Statement of Financial Disclosure (required under the Financial Disclosure Act) is not a form administered by Elections BC. Inquiries regarding this form should be directed to the local jurisdiction or the Ministry of Attorney General.

    Election declarations and results

    Local Chief Election Officers must send Elections BC the Declaration of Candidates and Declaration of Results as soon as possible to ensure that we have the correct information regarding a local elections event.

    Campaign financing disclosure statements

    Local elections participants are required to file campaign financing disclosure statements with Elections BC within 90 days of General Voting Day. The statements and contribution data are publicly available on Elections BC’s Financial Reports and Political Contributions System (FRPC) following the filing deadline.

    To confirm if a statement has been filed prior to the publication of disclosure statements, please contact Elections BC at 1-800-661-8683 or electoral.finance@elections.bc.ca. If you receive a campaign financing disclosure statement from a local elections participant, please forward it to Elections BC as soon as possible.

    Disqualification lists

    Elections BC will notify local authorities if a candidate becomes subject to disqualification. Disqualified individuals and organizations are listed on the disqualification list.

    Expense limits

    See the expense limits for candidates.

    See the expense limits for third party sponsors.

    These limits apply to the 2022 General Local Elections and all subsequent by-elections. Expense limits for the 2026 General Local Elections will be published in May 2026.

    Other inquiries

    If you have questions about voting, responsibilities of elected officials, election proceedings, requirements in the Local Government Act, Community Charter or Vancouver Charter, please contact the Ministry of Municipal Affairs.

    For inquiries regarding the School Act, please contact the Ministry of Education.

    Questions for Elections BC can be directed as follows:

    Topic Contact
    Nomination/Endorsement documents electoral.finance@elections.bc.ca  
    or 1-800-661-8683
    Campaign financing and election advertising inquiries
    Declarations of candidates and results
    Local government elector forms (Form 200M) voterservices@elections.bc.ca
    or 1-800-661-8683
    Provincial Voters List requests