Elections BC’s Online Voter Registration (OVR) system collects personal information under the authority of the Election Act, Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, and the Voter Registration Regulation. Information is collected to register voters and future voters, create jury selection lists, and contact voters with information about elections and voting.
The Election Act permits disclosure of some voter information from the Provincial Voters List to registered political parties, registered constituency associations, Members of the Legislative Assembly, candidates, recall proponents, Elections Canada and municipal election officials. Elections BC does not disclose voter email addresses or phone numbers to anyone.
The List of Future Voters is not shared with anyone except Elections Canada to update the federal Register of Future Electors.
For more information on why each information element (e.g. birth date, ID number) is collected, consult the OVR FAQs.
Any questions about the collection or use of this information can be directed to:
Privacy Officer
Suite #100 – 1112 Fort Street
Victoria, B.C., V8V 3K8
250-387-5305 or toll-free at 1-800-661-8683
The Online Voter Registration system does not display any information from the Provincial Voters List or List of Future Voters. If you wish to view your voter registration record, make a request in writing by email to voterservices@elections.bc.ca, or by mail to:
Voter Services
Elections BC
PO Box 9275 Stn Prov Govt
Victoria B.C., V8W 9J6